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Reimagining Public Schools
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The Future of St. Louis Starts At Home
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Creating Anti-Bias Anti-Racist Education: Follow-Up to January 2020 ESJ/Community Allies Breaking Prison Pipelines
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ESJ with Community Allies: Educators Working to End Prison Pipeline
Sunday, January 19, 2020: Parkway Northeast Middle School, 2pm-4pm
Community Development: How to Do Our Part in St. Louis
Thursday, January 23, 2020: Venture Cafe, 6pm - 7pm, Havana Room
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Past Events
October 2019 Crime Prevention Summit
What happens when North Newstead Association, Community Allies, and Afterschool Labs organize the 2019 Crime Prevention Summit?
Crime prevention becomes multi-sector work.
See below for highlights, Regional Coordinated Action that emerged, and where you can join in.
--The Story Stitchers opened with powerful slam poetry and rap that captured youth stories of navigating survival in neighborhoods with depleted resources.
--Two collective action panels took place that equipped STL with specific needed unified action.
--Sheriff Vernon Betts explained behind the scenes work he, law enforcement, clergy, and politicians are doing to stop violence and called everyone to join these efforts.
--State Rep Steven Roberts explained potential city carve out legislation for gun laws.
--Moms Demand Action provided an overview of the city's Cure Violence multifaceted public health approach to curbing violence and asked us to text “CHECKS” to 64433 to tell our state senators we want required background checks for private gun sales. They also asked us to advocate for "Be Smart" programs to educate community members on gun safety and for "Red Alert" federal laws which allow family and police to petition state courts to remove guns/forbid gun sales to unstable family members.
--Mia Curry with Temple of Praise Ministries shared her workshops for North St. Louis residents to address all forms of violence before they become gun violence.
--Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner and 22nd Judicial Circuit Court Judge Paula Bryant explained the Diversion Program, which supports youth in taking accountability for petty crime while giving back to the community and receiving cleared records.
--Gardner explained the "cycle of hopelessness" as families face homelessness, food and job insecurity, a rising cost of healthcare and living expenses, and emphasized embedding therapy and trauma-informed trainings and practices in our courts and schools and regional efforts to provide the full range of physical, social, emotional, health, and mental resources for our city youth.
--Circuit Judge Joe White encouraged jury participation as a place to ensure justice.
--Chief of Police Colonel John Hayden, Captain Perri Johnson, and other police officers came to listen, support, and celebrate residents and the cross-sector work taking place.
--City residents shared their innovative ideas for working to shift internalized prison mentalities - through restorative justice programs in schools and prisons.
--Cross-sector innovation like Employment Connections (Sal Martinez) explained how they are providing transportation, food, job training, housing stability, and more to connect the homeless and unemployed to needed resources and to employers in the region.
--SLACO (Michael Reid) program leader and youth leader shared their youth emerging leaders program that equips youth to practice navigating civic structures and public speaking, and conversations with civic leaders to make change. The youth explained what youth want: happiness and to know how to make change.
--Afterschool Labs (Bobby Bonner)/Community Allies (Sarah Hobson) shared their new collaboration to launch community-centered development and interactive technology centers for city youth, and youth ethnodrama programming and teacher trainings for youth, starting with city schools.
Please join the coordinated regional action we began by taking this Do Your Part survey and sharing what your sector is doing/would like to be able to do to to provide the best for our city and our youth.
Crime prevention becomes multi-sector work.
See below for highlights, Regional Coordinated Action that emerged, and where you can join in.
--The Story Stitchers opened with powerful slam poetry and rap that captured youth stories of navigating survival in neighborhoods with depleted resources.
--Two collective action panels took place that equipped STL with specific needed unified action.
--Sheriff Vernon Betts explained behind the scenes work he, law enforcement, clergy, and politicians are doing to stop violence and called everyone to join these efforts.
--State Rep Steven Roberts explained potential city carve out legislation for gun laws.
--Moms Demand Action provided an overview of the city's Cure Violence multifaceted public health approach to curbing violence and asked us to text “CHECKS” to 64433 to tell our state senators we want required background checks for private gun sales. They also asked us to advocate for "Be Smart" programs to educate community members on gun safety and for "Red Alert" federal laws which allow family and police to petition state courts to remove guns/forbid gun sales to unstable family members.
--Mia Curry with Temple of Praise Ministries shared her workshops for North St. Louis residents to address all forms of violence before they become gun violence.
--Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner and 22nd Judicial Circuit Court Judge Paula Bryant explained the Diversion Program, which supports youth in taking accountability for petty crime while giving back to the community and receiving cleared records.
--Gardner explained the "cycle of hopelessness" as families face homelessness, food and job insecurity, a rising cost of healthcare and living expenses, and emphasized embedding therapy and trauma-informed trainings and practices in our courts and schools and regional efforts to provide the full range of physical, social, emotional, health, and mental resources for our city youth.
--Circuit Judge Joe White encouraged jury participation as a place to ensure justice.
--Chief of Police Colonel John Hayden, Captain Perri Johnson, and other police officers came to listen, support, and celebrate residents and the cross-sector work taking place.
--City residents shared their innovative ideas for working to shift internalized prison mentalities - through restorative justice programs in schools and prisons.
--Cross-sector innovation like Employment Connections (Sal Martinez) explained how they are providing transportation, food, job training, housing stability, and more to connect the homeless and unemployed to needed resources and to employers in the region.
--SLACO (Michael Reid) program leader and youth leader shared their youth emerging leaders program that equips youth to practice navigating civic structures and public speaking, and conversations with civic leaders to make change. The youth explained what youth want: happiness and to know how to make change.
--Afterschool Labs (Bobby Bonner)/Community Allies (Sarah Hobson) shared their new collaboration to launch community-centered development and interactive technology centers for city youth, and youth ethnodrama programming and teacher trainings for youth, starting with city schools.
Please join the coordinated regional action we began by taking this Do Your Part survey and sharing what your sector is doing/would like to be able to do to to provide the best for our city and our youth.