About Honoring Stories and Integrating Curriculum®
Doing Our Part Together: Coordinated Action that Transforms Lives
Community Partnerships. Community Solutions.
We help you make the difference you want to make in your community, industry, region, nation, and world.
- We connect communities and sectors who together innovate solutions to our deepest divides.
- We provide transformative methods of communication for relationship-building within and across departments and sectors.
- We engage communities and organizations in inquiry-based conversations that generate problem-solving within and across all cultures, collective envisioning and coordinated regional action.
- We support organizations (government, schools, non-profits, businesses, universities) in streamlining their services through culturally responsive, community-centered collective envisioning and collaborative leadership.
- We help individuals, communities, and organizations understand the significance of their actions as they contribute to coordinated support for communities to have the resources they need to solve their pressing problems.
Mission: Innovative Cross-Cultural Community-Based Solutions to Your Deepest Challenges
Our mission is multi-faceted:
- Our mission is to transform our deepest divides through informed communication among all cultures and sectors that helps build stronger bridges and thriving communities. We support innovation in unified institutional, regional, national, and international collective action that leads to the development of sustainable healthy communities. We provide cutting-edge culturally responsive frameworks and methods that streamline endeavors within and across sectors to benefit all demographics in our industries, regions, our nation, and our world.
- Through the ethnodramatic approach Honoring Stories and Integrating Curriculum®, we help organizations understand what it means to do their part with other organizations – to benefit an entire industry, region, nation, and/or world and contribute to sustainable thriving communities for all demographics.
How does the ethnodramatic method Honoring Stories and Integrating Curriculum® work?
- Honoring Stories and Integrating Curriculum® integrates Ethnodrama, Community-Engaged Learning, and Teacher Research.
- Our ethnodrama practices infuse community-engaged learning with drama, music, dance, art, film and digital platforms.
- Ethnodrama =
- the collaborative study of social issues
- by collecting interviews with people from many backgrounds
- turning the interviews into dramas, films, plays, and/or art, and
- using the art to facilitate dialogue together with many cultures towards problem-solving and informed collective action.
- Through Honoring Stories and Integrating Curriculum® organizations not only learn how to incorporate ethnodramatic community-engaged methods that support them in designing and implementing services, but they also expand their abilities to create systems for documenting and following their own learning trajectories and the learning trajectories of colleagues, clients, community members, students, etc.
- Organizations gain methods for coordinating community-focused interdepartmental and interprofessional research and writing communities. These professional learning communities foster culturally responsive values and language for policies, practices, services, and products that align with the needs of specific demographic markets.
- They help everyone contribute to taking ownership of an emerging vision as well as identifying whose knowledge is missing, which populations are being served or not, and how to build legitimate socially responsive brands, products, and services that the public trusts. In short - to do their part.
Guiding Principles for Honoring Stories and Integrating Curriculum®
- Collective envisioning for organizations rooted in histories of local, regional, national, and international collective action
- Collaborative leadership
- Collaborative research within and across organizational departments and fields
- Interdisciplinary drama, media, and arts-based problem-solving about any kind of organizational and community issue
- Organizational cultures, communication patterns, products and services that bring needed change
- Facilitation of dialogue and problem-solving with many cultures towards coordinated collective action that transforms lives
What are our services?
Interactive Speaking Engagements, Workshops, Certifications, On-Line Platforms, Courses, Instructional and Assessment Materials
- We facilitate cross-sector communication to help every sector recognize their spheres of influence to unleash mutually beneficial innovations that transform organizations and communities.
- We help facilitate conversations within and across sectors that generate industry trends to help employers, employees, teachers, students and communities build stronger bridges to one another and design products, services, and instructional designs that contribute to coordinated regional investments in sustainable resources that equip communities to solve their pressing issues.
- We provide creative ethnographic support in researching institutionalized cultures, systems and communication processes - to help strengthen employee relations, productivity, and collective ownership of organizational missions, values, and goals.
- We design and implement workshops and instructional systems for professional learning through which work associates expand their collective capacity for industry, regional, national, and international leadership in institutional cultures, products and services that contribute to sustainable thriving communities.
- We help organizations expand and systematize their documentation of their learning, community impact, and market knowledge and growth by tracking with a wide range of cultural metrics over time.
Whom We Serve
Organizations/Small and large businesses/Non-profits
Universities/Colleges/Community Colleges
Government agencies
K-12 Schools
Universities/Colleges/Community Colleges
Government agencies
K-12 Schools